
Make-A-Wish Metro New York and Western New York Lake Success, NY
Manager, Events
Nov 13 – Present

Lead marketing strategy for new fundraisers in target markets: Walk for Wishes 5k walk, Royal Caribbean’s Quantum of the Seas cruise, and WishNYC: A Toast to Wishes night club event
Maintain relationships with and provide customer service to event donors and corporate partners 
Plan and execute signature events: Wine & Wishes, a wine tasting that raised $850,000, with nearly 1,000 attendees and An Evening of Wishes Annual Gala that raised $1.5M with 600 major donors
Keep records including: event revenue and expenses, proposals and licensing agreements, key contacts, and a detailed description of the implementation in compliance with BBB standards
Train volunteers and staff to provide event day support including room flow, messaging, and iPad use
Design and distribute of event promotional materials (invitations, website, signage, videos, press, etc.)

America SCORES New York, NY
Development Associate, National Partnerships
Oct 11 – Jul 13

Managed all aspects of fundraising operations, including devising development plan, tracking relationships and deadlines, and reporting revenue to development and finance committees
Expanded individual giving through research, e-mail newsletters, social media campaigns, online store, semi-annual appeals, and acknowledgements; maintain database and produce donor reports 
Oversaw National Poetry Slam, including marketing and outreach to sponsors, generating ticket sales, distributing press materials, managing budget, and coordinating logistics for 30 youth (age 9-11)
Developed national partnerships by advancing existing relationships, identifying new prospects and conducting research to compose strategic proposals for potential corporate and foundation funders

Japanese Community Youth Council San Francisco, CA
Project Manager, Workforce Programs
Jan 10 – Sep 11

Recruited new donors, volunteers, and partners at local merchant association and philanthropic organization meetings, and via radio broadcast and print publications
Cultivated and maintained partnerships with private sector, public, and not-for-profit organization professionals that serve as worksite mentors to over 1,000 program participants 
Orchestrated engagement events to expand the network of program donors and supporters including: career day, college tours, career panels discussions, and a city-wide ice-cream fundraiser
Directed three simultaneous employment programs for under-resourced young adults (age 14-25)
Trained and coordinated a team of twelve direct-service staff from a collaborative of subcontractors with program policies and operations

Eyes of the World Media Group Culver City, CA
Director of Business Development
Sep 08 – Jan 10

Devised a systematic outreach strategy and led a team to establish a contact base of over 100,000 target clients across 28 different industries for upcoming e-newsletter campaign
Launched marketing approach for the sale of the “Meth Inside Out” DVD Series by constructing contact base of over 40,000 prospects and generated over $30,000+ in sales through networking at conventions, presentations, cold calls, and e-newsletter campaigns